Setup Login Designer

Check Box

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Users can customize the checkbox.

  1. Hover over the checkbox in the box, edit button will appear.
  2. Click on the edit button, checkbox customization will open in the style panel.


  • To change the size of the checkbox, hover over the sizein the styles window and you will see the slider in front of you.
  • Adjust the slider to change the size of the checkbox.
  • Click on the publishbutton to save the changes.
  • Click on to reset the size.


  • Users can change the background color of the checkbox, click on the background color.
  • Select your desired color from the palette, click on the publish button to save the changes.


  • To change the border width of the checkbox, hover over the borderin the styles window and a slider will appear in front of you.
  • Adjust the slider to change the width of the border, click on the publish button to save the changes.
  • Click on to reset the border width of your checkbox.

Border Color

  • To change the color, click on the border color.
  • A color palette will appear in front of you, select your desired color.
  • Click on the publish button to save the changes. 


  • To change the corner radius of the checkbox, hover over the radiusin the styles window slider will appear in front of you.
  • You can increase or decrease the corner radius of the checkbox by adjusting the slider, click on the publish button to save the changes.
  • Click on button to reset the radius of the checkbox.

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Check Box

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