Setup Login Designer

Background Changer

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Users can also change the background of the selected template.

  1. Hover the background, you will see a brush icon.
  2. Click on brush icon button & style window will open Infront of users.
  3. In the style window, users can upload a new background image, select an image from the given gallery or even change the background color.
  1. In the style option click on select image button.
  2. In the select image window you can select an image from the library or upload a new file.
  3. Your selected image will be shown in the window, if you want to remove that image click on remove button, if you want to change the image click on change image button & to save the settings click on publish button.
  4. Users can also select the background image from the pre-defined images & to save the settings click on the publish button.
  5. Users can also set the position of the background image using certain options.
  6. Select or upload an image, you will see the image setting options.
  7. Users can use repeat option (This will repeat your image as a background banner), horizontal option (Image will repeat in a single horizontal line), vertical option (Image will repeat in a single vertical line).
  8. You can easily adjust the size, position and color of your background image.
  9. In size option you can select cover option (It will enlarge the image and cover the whole background), center option (It will set the image in the center) or select the auto option.
  10. In position option you can select
  11. Left Top (set the image to the top left side of the screen)
  12. Left Center (Set the image to the center left side of the screen)
  13. Left Bottom (Set the image to the bottom left side of the screen)
  14. Right Top (Set the image to the top right side of the screen)
  15. Right Center (Set the image to the center right side of the screen)
  16. Right Bottom (Set the image to the bottom right side of the screen)
  17. Center Top (Set the image to the top center side of the screen)
  18. Center Center (Set the image to the center of the screen)
  19. Center Bottom (Set the image to the bottom center of the screen)
  20. You can add or change the logo. For that hover over the logo icon and click on the edit button.
  21. Click on the select file option and upload your logo. Your uploaded file will be seen in the window.
  22. To remove the logo, click on the remove button & to change the logo, click on the change button.
  23. Click publish to save the settings.
  24. You can add a URL to your logo so when a user clicks on the logo it will redirect the user to the page.
  25. You can easily customize the width, height & position of the logo or even disable the logo.
  26. To customize the login form, hover over it & click on the edit button.
  27. The style window will appear from where you can change the background, radius, shadow, shadow opacity, horizontal padding, vertical padding, transparency & width of the login form by adjusting the slider. To save your settings click on the publish button.
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Background Changer

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